2013 calendar + Christmas...unreal.

2:26:00 PM

yesterday we had a full scrapbook mini-event at scrapbook den making a calendar for 2013. i have to admit that i am not at all crazy about making or designing minis. they are time consuming and a lot of work. so anyone who doesn't appreciate the effort that goes into just the actual figuring out of all the little details has definitely not designed one themselves. it was all worth it though. i loved how it turned out in spite of having re-done a single month (march - the problem child) four times. not three times but a total of four times. until i grabbed some watercolour paper and distress stains and that's when the magic happened and i loved it. i even got my friend Cathy to play and make a mess - she and Theresa and embraced the whole unpredictable(ness) nervously but they were stars! i added a lot of the things that i love: old postage stamps, quotes, inks, old book paper and stuff. a mish mash of goodies to ring in the new year. we did do a few extra kits so to order a kit contact 

Jeanette at Scrapbook Den on 011 453 2724
i can hardly believe the year is heading to a close. and if you still need some time to bloom with creativity and get some Christmas scrapping done hopefully you have booked for this event which promises to be filled with loads of Christmas goodness and inspiration. hope you are having a wonderful weekend and a creative week ahead!

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